我们致力于保护您全家的口腔健康。我们期待给您的家人与孩子带去同样的高品质服务。我们相信在青少年时期建立良好的口腔卫生习惯的十分重要。在新西兰政府的支持下,我们向13至18 岁儿童提供免费的牙科治疗。
We offer complete oral care for your whole family and provide the same high-quality care for our young patients as we do for our adult patients.
Our approach is personalised, so everyone receives individual care with a strong focus on prevention of oral health problems.

Children are very welcome at our practice, and we aim to make the experience a positive one.
We find the earlier children begin attending dental visits, the more comfortable they are – and the lower their risk of developing tooth decay. This is because early visits are an opportunity to talk about the things that cause tooth decay and how to prevent it.
Baby teeth matter. They maintain the space for permanent teeth to erupt later, and early loss may lead to costly orthodontic problems later.
The health of primary teeth is a strong predictor for the health of permanent teeth. Establishing healthy eating and oral hygiene habits early in life can positively influence your oral health as an adult.

This is when the risk of tooth decay and gum disease may increase. It may be connected to hormonal changes, dietary changes (as they have more freedom over dietary choices), poor oral hygiene and orthodontic treatment.
The government provides funding for free yearly visits under the dental benefit scheme for all those aged 13 to 18.
We have always offered care of teenagers under the general dental benefit scheme. We see this as a service to the families in our practice.